Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Best Baby

Grace, she just some immunizations yesterday, and like most babies, gets
a fever the next day (today). My other kids were always cranky and cried
the whole night, or at least until the Tylenol kicks in. But not Grace,
my little trooper. Here she is with a fairly high fever, a cold, rolled
washcloth behind her neck, and a cold wet towel on her body.
Uncomfortable, shivering cold, and probably with a throbbing headache
from the fever and still, no crying. No fussing. Just chill. Like she
knows she has to get through this. How blessed am I to have such a cool
baby. My boys are rambunctious to say the least. How refreshing is she,
how ironic is her name, Grace. However, maybe I should knock on wood and
pray that this rolls over into her teenage years. Oh well, for now I
will enjoy her.

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