Monday, August 31, 2009

SeaWorld @ Night

Before I start lemme apologize for these awful pictures, (I wonder if
the Sidekick II takes better pictures than the LS?) my camera's battery
ran dead so I only had my phone. But it was awesome. Energetic, tons of
kids, place was packed. I recommend for everyone to check it out. The
only disappointing thing (for me) was leaving with a sense of sadness
for the whales who were taken from the wild and brought there. I'm
surprised they haven't had more attacks from those whales. A large,
wild, beautiful killer like that could never truly be content living in
a pool after its had a taste of freedom. And now its too late to return
them to the wild... ... ... I wonder why there is not an international
law forbidding the capture of any whale for any purpose other than
rescue. If they breed them in captivity that's one thing, but most of
them were not. Most of them were purchased from Orca Hunters. Shame
Shame... But... ... the show was nice =P

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