Sunday, April 25, 2010

Left Behind

FML. I finally found a great guy that rocked my world and he leaves for Afghanistan. I'm trying to hang in there... but damn. This sucks! Its hard to even have fun anywhere. I'm always secretly sad, cuz I wish he was with me. He'll be back sometime in late Sept or early Oct. But already ppl are asking me if he will be going on another deployment! WTF? Can't I just look forward to him coming back.

Honestly, I used to hate on military wives. I'd see those stickers that say "the hardest part of the Marine Corps is being a Marine Wife" and I'd want to gag. I was like "gimme a break!" But wow... over the last month I have realized that it is much easier to leave, than be left behind. Goodness! The only thing that really keeps me sane is thinking about the day when he will come back. How happy I will be.

.... and I chose this picture for sentimental value. He came to me at a point in my life that was VERY difficult... and was my "protector" =)


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